
Relationship Between Music and the Number

So I've decided to write about a sick band I've been digging for a while now. They are a metalcore band but are so much different than any other bands out there. They are also a super small band and you probably will never have heard of them and neither have your friends.

How I found out about the band was probably normally most people find out about bands is a friend told me. I was up at his place in Guelph in the summer and I was sitting there in his bathroom doing the dirty and beside his toilet he has a poster of this band. Rosesdead. So I finish up and when I got out I asked him about them and he told me they were really sick. He put the CD on a buddies iPod and it wasn't until a couple months later I finally got a hold of the music.

So I put it on my iTunes and take time to sit down and actually listen to this CD and from there I was blown away. Right off the bat you can tell the band is a metalcore band but it is still nothing I have ever heard ever. First song 'The Structure' hits you with the amazing screams from vocalist Matt Wedge and near the middle it turns from fast guitar riffs to a slow breakdown just to cool everything off but the best part is that after they come in with a melodic sequence that just blew my mind as if i had a giant dick for a brain. From there it hits the climax of the song and I'm pretty sure I blew dick-brain load. Another sing part of the album is that it feels a hell of a lot like a concept album. The 3rd song on the track 'A Wake in the Water' proves that an interlude/instrumental song doesn't always have to be a boring clash or sounds. This sound takes your head and slides it's warm raging boner of sound into your ears as your take it all in, this leaves you in a sort of comatose where everything around you if gone and you just hear the music. One of the best parts about this band is their lyrics. They are not only perfected to the point of over 100% awesome but they are not really your typical boring random lyrics. Their lyrics are about life and what you go through, your ups and downs and everything in between. They write about how sometimes life can feel like a big giant piece of bear shit but after you climb that and scrape some of the dried shit from your teeth the other side is exactly what you've been waiting for. Some of my favourite lines from songs our;

Starting From Sand - 'Hear is my, my love for change, my trust in time, my faith in dreams....my faith in dreams. Thoughts pour down like rainfall. I hope that glow never fades.'

The Surface - 'Make mistakes, live your dreams... Live your life, makes mistakes... Make mistakes, live your dreams... Live your dreams, make this real. Let light rain down on me.'

The Surface - 'As I stand here, I realize. In order to grow from what once was, all of this needed to happen. Now I'm finally where I need to be.'

Those are just some that stand out a lot during the songs. The worst news though is that this band is no more. They broke up in 2008 and this brings great sadness. But I'll leave you with their Myspace and you HAVE to check them out!

P.S. Camille sucks:P

- Izanrelur

Monday Poems


I get to see some good people today
I get to see some good people tomorrow
I love to see my good people
And I also love a PB&J sandwich.

I will see my people,
and I will see my people
and I will love my people
and I will eat my sandwich.


Banana, banana
You are so large
Irregular as far as bananas go
And sometimes
despite the hunger
(and need for potassium)
I can't finish you
Because you're just too large.

Funeral Fun

I have to tell you someone's dead
My morbid ways; it'd be a pleasure
I think she fell and hit her head
I'm going to take this up for leisure.
Let's get dolled up! It could be worse
At least it's not your mother.
Our stagecoach there will be a hearse
And black is kinda my colour.



Genius, I am.

Hi how are you I am fine thanks how are you oh pretty good what's up nothing you oh I just invented the most delicious thing ever.

Another "I didn't drink but I'm not sober" if ya know what I mean. So, I had the most amazing endeavour at this old park I used to play at when I first moved to my shithole of a city (which is when I was like, two) and just relived crazy old memories while tripping balls on the swings. Such a simple night, but sometimes a pal and good conversation are all you need.

Anywho enough with the clichés. When I got home (after successfully avoiding the pressing urge to enter McDonald's, two Tim Hortons' and a convenience store) all I wanted to eat was macaroni and cheese (repulsive, I know). But alas my family is sleeping parce que they work/are in high school and have to wake up early... SO I didn't want to cook.

I thought what is similar to mac n' cheese but different. And I thought minute rice could work as a reasonable substitute for macaroni and I could microwave it. But Camille! What about the cheese? And I initially thought well Camille, first of all, don't yell at me because you're always doing it and it strains my nerves. Secondly why don't you grate some cheese dumb ass. And then I checked the fridge only to rebut because you fuck face we don't have any cheese. What about cheese strings or rice cheese-- too much rice-- don't interrupt me! Sorry. It's okay don't worry about it. Anyway, you also have this delicious onion cream cheese. And I thought FUCK CAMILLE YOU'RE BRILLIANT.

At the end of my microwaving I had this fantastic melty cream cheese that tasted like awesome mixed with heaven and rainbows and puppies' faces. And after consuming almost the entire thing during my writing, I still have the muchies. Oh well. Delicious end to a superb night. Om nom nom (I would like to add that spell check isn't saying the onomatopoeia prior to the brackets is spelled wrong. Apparently those are [Canadian English] words! Cool!)

CIAO folks.


Pps. Here is a poem because my brain never seems to work. And when I see these things at another time they are like puzzles.

There is a spaceship in the sky
Oh my. My. My my. My. My.
There it goes, this must be Star Wars
Yup, in space they do not drive cars.
I look at the Big Dipper too.
Can you see me, staring at you?
There's colours floating like a kite.
Holy shit, it's a satellite!
I'll stop gawking on the day
My metaphorical spaceship takes me away.

Ppps. Have you ever wondered if a feather that floats by you is from the zoo?


If this is a genocide am I considered the leader?

So yesterday was a very busy day. I went over to my grandmas and did some work for her, which was gay and cool(cause I got paid) at the same time. But my jobs were to sealer her driveway which was basically painting it with a black coloured liquid. My second job was to wash all her windows.

I'm going to interrupt this with something I seen today while shopping in Zellers. A little boy probably 6 or something was walking behind his dad holding on to a Justin Beiber cd and was saying 'Do I have to share with Emma? I always have to share with Emma and I don't want to have to share it. Do I have to share with Emma?' and it was the funniest, cutest things in the world.

Anyways back to the main topic...the painting of the driveway. So the painting isn't really much to talk about it's kinda what built from it you know, well you don't but I'll tell you.

I had to power wash the drive way previously to painting it and this must have disturbed a huge colony of ants because after the water dried there was prolly around like 2000 running about on a little area by the side door. So I stood there watching them and it just made me kinda think about the life of an ant. Each one on their own set path doing their own thing, crisscrossing each other as if the ants were the traffic of a major city at rush hour and I was god looking down on them. I had to stand there for a while and just soak it all in as I thought of strange and weird things about the ants. Do they know I'm watching? Do they actually know really anything other than they need food, shelter and what not. What do they actually think about when they're doing whatever they're doing. How do they go so fast and never seem to bump into each other. Racing a speeds equivalent to size would be well over 100 kmh and never seeming to hit or disturbed the other ants in this raving frenzy. When suddenly I had the sudden urge to kill. It was at this moment that I turned from a loving person just interested in a tiny creature and there doings into a evil maniacal monster and lived and breathed destruction, death and sorrow. It was at this point when I took my paint roller and just rolled over the pants covering them in paints and stopping them in there tracks almost as if it was Hiroshima and I was tossing a atom bomb on them. I had completely terminated there rush hour like turmoil and left it with nothing but single sole survivors centimetres away from each other, dazed and confused with what just happened and slowly dying from the fumes or the substance that now covered there almost lifeless bodies. After all this had happened I then continued to stand there and think what have I done? Has it really came to this that I need to disrupt nature like this just to jump out of a trance like day dream of the life of an ant. This then made me thing that if this was a genocide would I be considered the one man who had control of it the whole time and just decided that it was the right thing to do and under his puppet strings made millions of people take the time to wipe out an entire race? Well I stood there and thought and came to the conclusion that I needed to probably start working again because it was getting bloody hot out and the idea never really popped back into my head until I started writing this over 8ish hours ago.

I think though that if I were to had this situation happen again it would probably not turned out any different. As a human being the idea of violence and what not has been fused into my brain from being exposed to movies, video games and the internet and we live our lives that stuff like this is normal... and that sir, is life.

Take it easy everyone.



Is It Really a Story?

The thing about self-reflexive pieces is that no one likes them. But I always seem to sit thinking about something fictional to write and nothing turns up. While under the influence yesterday I tried as well but could only come up with a nonsensical rant and a very bizarre poem that even puzzles me. I was just sitting at my kitchen table with a hefty bowl of Reece Puffs (among other goodies, like frozen strawberries, if you'll note my last post) and this image of a piece of string came to mind. And it was like a character. "Bill the Heroic Piece of String!" But besides the image of this thick blue string descending from ... who knows where... and moving around as if it were dancing, I really didn't have a story in my head. And I still don't. Sometimes I think I have no talent for anything. Maybe I've grown up too much of a history buff. I'm not really a fan of most fiction anyway. Even with a lot of movies: I scrutinize them if they include things that are illogical; I know it's not real but if it were then "that would never happen!" But seriously, how fucking ridiculous is a piece of string character? I mean, that's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard and it came from my brain! I think I might be on to something (albeit shitty) here!

In the meantime, I have an identical twin who needs to pull his weight. Write me some fiction m'fucka.


Ps. My tattoo has gone scabby. Here is some Photoshop:


Oh My, So Many Thoughts

First of all, why is it so hard to type and why is it SO LOUD.

Also, during this massive flood that is torrential downpour against my window, I've realized that in this life... are there people who are watch people and others who aren't? Like, can you always accessorize with a watch? Or can some people not. What about POCKET WATCHES? Too classy for some? Can everyone rock a pock[et watch]. To use an analogy, some people can't actually pull off a Rolls Royce (Rolex), like, a hillbilly. But a full-size van (Timex with a calculator) wouldn't be good for a Rico Suave.

Could you break out of a flood with a scoop bucket type thingy even if you're under water? Where do you put the water after scooping? Don't worry, my flood was just the air con.

Another thing. Christians can break bricks over their head for God apparently. Cool.

I just got a tattoo and its all crispy and gross on my shoulder and there is plasma. And this fat chick rubbed against my arm and BAM plasma on her shirt. That's what you get for not watching where you're going. She didn't notice the shit and just continued dancing awfully.

SERIOUSLY frozen fuckin' strawberries are better and healthier than popsicles. Holy shit. Try'er out.

"Popsicles are just like frozen Kool Aid. With a stick in it. My mom was so cheap, she didn't buy Kool Aid, she bought boxes of popsicles and melted them and we had juice for a year!" --Jon Miller

Another thing. If I was having a talk show "on location at the OC" you'd think "OMG California" and come running to the TV but then you'd be like "That's not right..." and it'd really be the Oshawa Centre.

I should tell you a story but my brain is off. If it had a switch, it'd be in the down position. I can feel the gunk on my keyboard a little too slowly as my fingers do their thang and I don't think.

I hate Picnik. Hate hate hate hate! But why? Because people are dumb with it. Photoshop is talent. Picnik does all the work for you. And it's tacky too. And the quotes are not cool and often not in a good colour: Mega clash! (Also an overused quote is from Don't Stop Believing by Journey which I also hate and it's one of the only songs that actually makes me angry. Like it's from the EIGHTIES and just because some prepubescent people on Glee sing it everyone's like "omg it's the best" BUT IT'S SO OVERPLAYED and I can't handle it.) But yes Picnik. If your teeth aren't the whitest, and you edit them in Picnik, I can tell that your teeth aren't actually that goddamn white. It's not possible and it looks so tacky. Stop. And also the shittastic quotes and whatnot somehow trigger people to write "bestfriend." Best and friend are two separate words. They don't belong together. And it's understandable maybe if you pronounced it like that in vocal slang but no one says it like that. They say it as two separate words. So why must people put them tofuckinggether. Stop. Perchance all the people who use Picnik are also grammatically uneducated. Who knows. I should do a study.

Russell Russell Rhymes with muscle.
Holy moly you're a troll-y.
Couchy couchy couchy couchy.
pow pow pow pow.

I want to see Splice the movie.

Have a pleasant evening.


Okkk I'm DOOOOOINGG it.....

I've decided to start on the top music because of my fellow sister who stated below. My friend has recently been building quite a name for him self on Myspace in the techno genre under Chase Wonder so to the 0 people out there reading this I'll post a link at the bottom. Ok since I've got that out of the way I will start.........which then leads to procrastination....but once again I'm going to start.

What is up with black people? I mean they're black, sometimes they stink, they talk funny and they act like total DICKS! I don't mean to call out the entire African-American race or anything but there are some of you who need to chill the fuck out! Though there are some from every other race to that could possibly fall into this category but I guess I can talk about them later. Today well I was walking in a grocery store there was a man or afro......actually I'm kidding I love everyone and everything, I don't hate, I love.

What I'm going to talk about is today ( technically yesterday) we lost someone very important to us and the surrounded population of the planet Earth. On May 28th 2010 Gary Wayne Coleman passed away. On May 26th 2010 Gary was taken to hospital after hitting his head and suffering from a intracranial hemorrhage. He later than lost consciousness and was put on life support. Gary did not come back to us and we lost him at 12:05pm. Hearing about this I was suddenly engulfed with sorrow and sadness rushed over me. I'd been watching Diff'rent Strokes and Arnold Jackson would and still is one of my most cherished T.V. characters. I can remember watching the show on a Saturday afternoon and laughing out loud all by myself. To people watching by the window it probably sounded sort of like a whale getting raped by a mongoose, but to me it was love. Gary Wayne Coleman - Gone but never forgotten - February 8th, 1968 ~ May 28th 2010.

This will bring me to my next post...which is going to be combined into this one!!!!! DUN DUN DUN. Celebrity deaths. Some people get really emotionally wrecked and some just say 'That sucks, but I didn't know them so oh well.' But the thing with Celebrity deaths is that for people who were inspired by this person, grew up watching or listening to this person. You did know this person. Some famous deaths in the media in history are; Princess Diana, Elvis Presley, Pope John Paul II, Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon and most recent Michael Jackson. These people had an incredible amount of inspiration on the people around them and everyone who knew or didn't know them in person still knew them. I will always remember that day in June when I found out that Michael Jackson died. I was in shock, I had grown up with his music and I still love a lot of it. I didn't care for the charges or anything, maybe they were true, maybe not. I didn't care that he was weird and had some strange things done to change the way he looked. The man always put everyone before him. Always putting the fans first and it showed in his music and how much he put into his shows. I watched his funeral live on T.V. and it was pretty hard to watch. Me being a 'man' and all I'm not suppose to get upset or anything but at the end of the ceremony they played my favourite song by him 'Man in the Mirror' just the instrumental with a single spot light shining on a lonely mic stand in front of everyone there. I'm going to say at that moment a single tear rolled down my check. We had lost an amazing talent and I don't care that I never met him, he changed my life.

So I think I'm done for now. I'll just leave you with one last thing to remember Gary Coleman. R.I.P. little fellow. God Bless You.


Are We Allowed to Blog About Music?

Because my brother and I have very different tastes in music. At least he doesn't listen to country. But let me tell you what I'm in love with right now: Vampire Weekend (take a listen). Pleasurable n'est pas? I duno. I'm just grooving around my room and it was on my mind. I'm also in love with another band that is new to me, but I will discuss that at another time.

Other exciting news! I have been playing around in fabric and I made a bandeau! TAKE THAT American Apparel. I just saved myself $15 and I don't have to wear a bra, muah ha ha. Mind you, it's kind of ugly, but it does the trick. Methinks I'm going to get more into sewing at whatnot. I have a bunch of old clothes I'd like to make "new." Tie dye would be fun...

Well that was a pointless rant to no one (except for some nonchalant lurkers for whom I thank). I'm going to go practice vegetarianism-- err pescatarianism is what I'm doing-- and make a grilled cheese. Ciao for now!


Day #7 157

So this is my 7 157 day on earth and I'm feeling like this life isn't really anything to be proud of. I haven't really accomplished anything or don't see my self anytime down the road. I'm actually really, really tired. My father woke me up quite early this morning so its fucking with me. I don't really know what to write here as I'm a brainless zombie at the moment. I need food. Since this week has been retarded, as if the sun was like 'fuck you Earth, you're going to shit so I might as well cook every living thing on it', a bunch of us are prolly going to go to the park and do something that is not sitting on our asses and starring at a T.V./computer screen all day.

I hope lots of people start reading this shit....I'll feel super bad if I spent all this time (which was around 3 hours maybe? but that is 3 hours longer than I normally spend on anything) doing it for fucking nothing. If you are reading this please tell your friends, family, tweet it, Facebook, take an ad out in the paper...I don't care just spread the word to the world that me and my twin are going to take this planet by storm and it will probably not be the same ever again.

This is Izanrelur signing out. The odds of me coming back are very very very high though seeing as I'm partially in love with the internet and computer in general...Maybe I'm like one of those people who fall in love and marry inanimate objects. Oh well. Good bye friend.

Izanrelur (& Xesetarip)

Kudos Broski...

...On your marvellous HTML. It's funny, I learned it for portion of a semester and I am nowhere near as skilled. But at least I can spell...

On another note, I must say that I am not pleased with mother nature right now (and no I don't mean my period). Yesterday it was all like "Oh, I think it should be cook-eggs-on-my-forehead temperature" and then the weather man deceived us by saying "THUNDER STORM WARNING" and so everyone was all excited. And guess what? It rained for 5 minutes (all of which my twin and I spend chillin' outside) and then stopped. Da fuck? So sure it cooled things down a wee bit but just enough so all the mosquitos came out. So here we are with large slushies at the park kinda chilly and getting eaten alive by bugs. I have a gargantuan bite on my foot that woke me up at approximately 6 am, scratchin' away. Thanks mother nature. I am sad.

Anyways the java has stopped brewing and I need to feed my consciousness.
-Xesetarip (& Izanrelur)

All In A Days Work....

Alright, it's 4:07am and I'm finally done with what will be fore now the layout of me and my twins joint blog site. I know no one is reading this but in the coming days I hope to see more and then eventually maybe you all will find out more about us and our alien lives we live. This is Izanrelur signing off.

Izanrelur & (Xesetarip)


You Wouldn't Believe The History...

... of us! So I'm not going to elaborate. Basically this is us as babies (that is, Earth babies; again having to explain our history would be too confusing and likely deadly to most of you). As you can see we are identical twins; we are in fact the first set of opposite-sex identical twins in the world. We've also had a lot of pigmentation work done over the years which you will be able to see in future pictures of us. This is just a short little "hello" so you can put some baby faces to our names. I always personally feel that knowing what someone looked like as a baby is often more important than knowing what they look like presently (or in the future) because it is a lovely orientation to their character. Take care Earthlings.

-Xesetarip (and Izanrelur)