
Subway Skuzzo, Peeves, and Romeo's Death

You know how there are those little things that annoy you, and it makes you look like a complete douche when you point it out because usually it is something very common and then you offend everyone around you but then if you don't rant about it then it stays in your head and then moves down to your fists and you punch someone/something/everyone/everything/bomb the school/car/house/friend/zoo?

Things like run-on sentences.

There is a new peeve in my brain book of peeves (sorry if your peeve is metaphors, or someone using the word "peeve" 4 times in the same sentence):

I have noticed a huge Facebook trend in people not calling others by their names, but rather by their relationship to that person. Like, "Chillin' with the bestfriend" (BEST and FRIEND are two separate words by the way. Just so you know. I don't know who the fuck decided to glue them together but man that awful trend caught on well too)... or people who say "Dinner with the girlfriend," "Shopping with the parents," "watching TV with the dog," "sleeping with the teacher"--- I DON'T FUCKING KNOW but seriously these people have names! Every time I see that it makes me feel like those people are being objectified; it just seems disrespectful. If anyone called me "the girlfriend" I'd be like "not anymore, pal" *smack*. I think it's more so the fact that "the" is placed behind the noun... because if you said "my girlfriend" it doesn't seem so aggressive. Meh. The writer shall stop on this one.

COOL! On a different topic, I found something interesting the other day on the subway the other day [OH SHIT I'M TALKING IN CIRCULAR SENTENCES AGAIN NOOOO], and I thought I would share my experience. I was on a fairly lengthy journey, and this man gets on and stands across from me. First of all, he's wearing sweatpants. And if you know anything about me, you will know my point of view on wearing sweatpants in public. I know it's disgustingly shallow/superficial/mega dickwad of me but... I can't help it. So Yucky McSweats gets on and he's chillin' all swaggerlicious and then he pulls out this little tin from his pocket. I'm staring at this tin trying to think of what it could be, and then he opens it and pulls out a chunk of this brown shit and I thought to myself there is no fucking way this dirthoe is going to do dip on the subway! Where will he spit! He puts it in his mouth and he looks like a fucking hick or a man with a lip tumour. GAH WHERE WILL HE SPIT EW EW EW! Well he answered my thought, by pulling out a pop can from his backpack with a giant hole in the top. This fellow likely carries this can, swooshing with black saliva in his bag all day. Gross. Anywho, I see him spit into the can... spitting really grosses me out, like, if he was taking a shit in the corner I'd be less grossed out... but I couldn't stop watching. It was like, omg this is so fucking nasty yet I don't want to look away! Now, either he was actually a mind reader and heard what I was thinking about his sweatpants, or he saw me transfixed on his every move, because he kinda glanced at me and then turned his back to me. Oh well.

OH I just remembered I saw another interesting thing, like, yesterday. There was a dead pigeon outside of my building. It was still in tact but just chillin' there dead. I felt sad about the pigeon, and I thought "I wonder what this pigeon did for society? How did he effect peoples' lives?" And then I snapped out of my reflecting when I realized it's a fucking pigeon and all they do is shit on stuff and fly way too low (one hit me in the head once ... *not impressed*). Dead things are interesting. Why should I feel remorse for a dead pigeon? I guess I shouldn't. But there is something about every life that has value; even a disease infested, shit bombing, low flying, food stealing, villainous pigeon.

Hypothetically, what if the dead pigeon- let's call him Romeo- was doing his normal shit disturbing at Nathan Phillips Square, when he stole a woman's hat off her head. This brawny onlooker saw the injustice, and chased after the pigeon, managing to swat the hat away (don't worry, Romeo was unharmed). So the muscle man gives the hat woman her chapeau back (despite the diseases it is likely now carrying) and they go out for lunch and get married and have little muscular, hat-wearing children who will collectively cure cancer one day. SO YOU SEE, children, Romeo the pigeon could have done something magical for the world. Likely not. But still. It sounds nice doesn't it?

RIP Romeo, you [may have but probably not] done us well.


The shit I do from 8-2 on Monday morning.

I have school from 8-5 on Mondays, but I really only do anything in my History of Games class which is 2-5. For the other 6 hours out of the day I'm on Facebook and MSN but most of my time is taken up by YouTube and StumbleUpon, so I'm going to take the time to re-post anything interesting I find.

This class is so dumb, it's basically Photoshop for dummies, I don't need this shit. We're learning how to select stuff at the moment, I'm pretty sure this is something you learn in like grade 10 when first starting Photoshop, actually it's something you teach your self. This is so stupid, thank God for the internet...back to stumble.

Since I'm in Game Dev I feel I shall add this picture, that and it's a really bomb shirt! Mario Kart is fucking awesome.

OH now it's the clone tool! WTF! I'm pretty sure to get in this course you needed to be good at digital art! How are there people here who need to learn this?

ps. Camille's eyes are Cement and my balls are cotton candy.

So simple but so awesome

Okay so it's getting to the point in my day where it actually starts, and I have something to do. So I guess I will talk to you guys next week, or if anything interesting comes up this we'll I'll make sure to tell you all.

Ps. We have a special duo post coming at the end of this month....it's gunna be great.



Get To Know The Twins.


Band: I'm listening to a lot of Angels & Airwaves right now.
Song: Single by Lil' Wayne
Car: Rolls Royce Ghost 2011, probably the sexiest luxury car around.
Lyrics: I'm so lost, I'm barely here, I wish I could explain myself, but words escape me. It's too late to save me, you're too late.
Movie: Moon
Tv show: Tie between The Office/South Park
Hot famous man: I'm not gay.
Hot famous woman: Jessica Alba
Twin: Camille Lupiccini!!

1) What is your favourite piece of artwork?
To many to choose from. Alex Pardee is one of my favourite artist. I'll just get a couple pictures of the ones I like.

Good Night Lava - Alex Pardee

I love anything Apocalyptic Space influenced.

2) What song do you want to fuck to?
Single by Lil' Wayne. That song is totes a love making song!

3) Hairy chick or smelly chick?
Are we talking all around girl? or like just Vagina? I'd prolly go for haiirry if it's vagina. If it's all around, smelly. Alcohol can help me not smell something but hairy legs would be just nasty no matter what.

4) If you could be in a really sick band that got all these babes, what instrument would you play?
Well since I already play guitar. I'd have to say, Rhythm or Bass.

5) What would your stripper alter-ego be?
Oh fuck naw! It already is LovesToSpooge!

6) Do you own sex toys?
Yes, I named him Shady, he's older but still gets the job done.

7) What song breaks your heart?
So many. Shirts n Gloves; Hands Down; Remember To Breathe; Screaming Infidelities...These are all by Dashboard Confessional and there are many more I could list that I am just to lazy to. Take Me With You - Secondhand Serenade, When I Go Down - Relient K...Ect. I have a sad life, way too many song.

8) Hottest chick ever: Describe.
Hair colour isn't really a problem, I like Brown hair, Blonde hair, but not so much the bleach blonde. Long hair is better than short. Between a couple inches taller to a couple inches shorter than me, nothing extreme. Eye colour doesn't really matter, but I like blue....I don't think I'm picky enough for this haha.

9) There is a man named Rod, kill him in an interesting way: GO!
I'd start with tying Rob to a chair. I'd turn off the lights and put on night vision goggles. I'd toy with his emotions a bit, terrifying him before doing anything drastic. Like making weird noises, throwing things around so he doesn't know exactly where I am. Then I'd put a bag on his head and turn the lights on. I'd begin with hitting him lighting in the head with a bat, just to make him woozy. Then continue with ripping each finger nail off. After the screaming died down I'd remove the bag. Only for him to see that I have his wife and 5 year old little girl tied up in front of him. I'd then start to shave off both of their heads and throw the hair at him. Then I'd use a sledge hammer and break both his wife's arms. I'd then strip her down naked and take out my welding Torch and begin to burn both her knees and slowly move down to her feet. While this is happening his daughter would be screaming and crying and it'd start to get annoying so I'd boot her in the face, lucky for her she just lost her front teeth the week before or they would be lodged in the back of her throat right now. I then start back up on the wife and continue to burn away. I then go to my desk and grab to Bear Traps and clamp them on her tits. I walk around to the other side of her and begin to use the torch to burn a hole right through her. I'd then take a hose that was hooked up to a giant tank of Sulphuric Acid and put it into the tiny hole I burnt into her and fill she'd die burning to death from the inside. I would then move on to his Daughter, not really much I can do to her now since she is knocked up conscious so I would just take this 50 pound barbell and repeatedly drop it on her head till it explodes. After finishing off them to, I would take a test tube of acid and spray it into his eyes, so all he could see was the images of his loved ones dying. I would then rub a very slow burning fuel all over his body. And just light his toes on fire, and have him die slowly.

10) What's the most ideal superpower?
The most Ideal superpower would have to be either flying or mindreading, I can't choose. I guess if you're a super hero you're nice so mindreading would be kind of like invasion of personal thoughts? So I'm going with Flying.

11) What religion are you?
I believe in evolution and science(not scientology) There may be a higher power somewhere, not saying he is a god or anything, maybe a higher power civilization that created the universe. Though I mostly just generally an evolutionist I guess.

12) How awesome is your twin and why? Muah ha ha
Very little awesome. Muah ha ha.

13) Best concert you've gone to?
The best concert I've been too. It's a tie between The Holly Springs Disaster last show in Oshawa and Blink 182 Reunion Tour in Toronto. Top favourite bands = best fucking times ever!

14) Favourite soda?
Tie between Vanilla Coke and Mountain Dew. Maybe one day I'll have them duel and I'll pick a winner.

15) If you could travel to one place where would you go (obviously bringing your twin with you)?
Space, not a specific planet it, any planet would do. I just want to go to space and see the stars and planets from where I normally don't.


Band: There are oh so many ! My favourite band always and forever is System of a Down, but right now I'm really diggin' The Wombats and Mumford and Sons. But seriously, I could go on for days about my favourite bands.
Song: Sway by The Kooks, Australia by The Shins, Come Back Home by Two Door Cinema Club, and I Got Wise by Delinquints.
Car: The new Jags are so hot. So are the old ones actually. Hearses are my favourite always. And the Batmobile.
Lyrics: "Justify some peace" from Paperboy by Stabilo
Movie: Holy shit so hard to answer. I suppose at the moment, I saw Stake Land at TIFF and it was phenomenal (not so much in plot but with every other aspect). Definitely not the best I've ever seen but at the moment it's in my mind.
TV show: Dexter! Season 5 WOO!
Hot famous man: Living: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jason Schwartzman and dead: Elvis Presley, James Dean.
Hot famous woman: Michelle Pfiffer
Twin: Tough one... I'm gonna have to pick Sean.

1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Make coffee so it can br ew while I get ready.

2. What is your drink of choice when out with your friends?
Depending on the time of day and where I am, either coffee, ice water with lemon, or beer.

3. Have you ever broken a bone? How?
I broke my nose and I'm pissed you're asking me how because it is excruciatingly embarrassing and I know you already know. I'll tone it down and say that I was attempting to dive in a lake, and I dove right into the ground! AWESOME!

4. Where is one place in the world you've always wanted to go?
I'd have to say Normandy, just for it's historical appeal, but anywhere in Europe would be lovely! I always wanted to go anywhere besides Ontario in Canada. Checked Quebec off the list but it wasn't much of a visit. Specifically I'd like to visit Dildo, Newfoundland.

5. Is there anything you always wanted to do, impossible or not?
Sure, a shit load of things. This question is so vague. So I'll write the most impossible yet still possible thing I can think of: Get into Hogwarts.

6. Have you ever been splashed by a movie (Moving*) vehicle? What did you do?
A movie vehicle or a moving vehicle? Well, neither so... I s'pose it doesn't matter.

7. Why are you so gay?
Heterosexual. This was a waste of a question.

8. Do you think people find it strange that you're an alien?
I am a minority in so m any respects, and because I'm a different species I tend to get discriminated against. But I know those fuckers can't blow shit up with their death stare, and I can so... FUCK Y'ALL!

9. If you could be the best at one instrument right now, what one would it be? why?
Oh man. I really would love to learn ukulele because then I can play the song "Trouble" (I know Nevershoutnever is awful but it's such a cute song) and its so small so I can put it in my pocket (?). Or theremin! Because who the fuck knows how to play a theremin!? Yee I'd be so cool. Really though, I wish I continued with drums and got "the best" at it. It's so fun to play and the only instrument I had kind of a knack for. Oh well. I have nowhere for a drum kit in my apartment. So because I fail at instrument playing, despite my insane love and appreciation for musicians, I have opted to play the musicians themselves ;). Groovy.

10. What's (your*) biggest pet peeve?
Well, the fact that that isn't a s entence is kinda shit. Bad grammar makes me very angry if it's really simple stuff. And people who mumble for fuck's sake! ARTICULATE MOTHER FUCKER. Holy crap. Also slow walkers who are unaware of their surroundings, AKA half the people on Yonge St.

11. If you knew the world was about to end, what would be the last thing you do?
Eat until I puke, brush my teet h, and then fuck the shit out of the nearest hottie. Once that has commenced, I'd crank some tunes and dance outside with friends, naked, and say "BRING IT ON MAW FUCKA" (referring to the aliens that will destroy Earth of course). I'd just dance 'til I died.

12. Do you believe in true love?
Tough one. Yes I do, I just refuse to acknowledge it any more.

13. What do you do with you r spare time?
What spare time? Haha. I like to listen to music, Photoshop, get high or drunk or both, go dancing, watch movies, draw comics, go shopping, wander around, chat with friends, write stuff... FUN THINGS.

14. If it had to be an animal, and I mean it HAS to be an animal...which one would you fuck?
Humans ARE animals man. I win.

15. What is the meaning of life to you?
There is no meaning, and that's the beauty of it. That's why you may as well live your life happy, because what's the point in being m iserable, seeing as it's all meaningless anyway. Do what you want, have fun, be happy = life.

And now you all know us that much more.

Izanrelur & Xesetarip